Sewing Inspiration: Master of None, Season 2

By the time Jon and I get home from work, make dinner, and entertain Avery for a few hours before putting her to bed, all we want to do is plant ourselves in front of a screen... any screen. We got through the second season of Master of None in record time, and all the while I was drooling over the gorgeous costume design by Dana Covarrubias. Racked recently did a great interview with Covarrubias, in which she describes her inspiration for outfitting Dev's Italian love interest, Francesca:

"I think that for anyone who’s ever been to Italy, the first thing you notice is how amazing all the Italian women dress — it’s sexy, it’s simple, and they’re just so fashionable all the time. It’s not even necessarily designer stuff — it’s the way they wear it and their attitude."

Now, I always find it a little annoying when people make blanket statements about an entire culture. I mean, there are stylish and schlubby people everywhere, right? But based on the films I've seen and the stories I've heard, I’m willing to believe that Italians may have a higher style-to-schlub ratio than us vulgar Americans.

At any rate, Francesca's wardrobe inspired me to make sewing plans that I in no way have time to manifest. Instead, I'll just share them with you, while I fantasize about more sleep, more time, and more pasta.

To make Francesca's museum outfit...


To make Francesca's polka-dotted dress...

Master of None costumes-1-1.jpg


...with this polka-dotted cotton weave from Mood Fabrics or this ponte knit from METERMETER (made in Italy)

To make Francesca's oversized coat, try...


To make Francesca's De Sica-inspired outfit...


To make Francesca's camel coat...


...with this camel stretch wool coating from Britex or this Eco-wise wool from Pendleton (made in USA)

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