Sugar and Spice
Before making the long drive to southern California (thank you, Serial), we snapped a few shots in San Francisco... where my Everlane Spice cashmere sweater, scarf, and tights were all reasonable choices. In the Inland Empire, however, Thanksgiving topped out at 89 degrees. So sundress it was.
The outfit was a nice thought, though. And even nicer is that fact that today, Everlane started a new tradition called the Black Friday Fund that channels 100% of the day's profits towards improving working conditions for their factory workers. A very cool initiative from an ever-impressive company.
Anyhoo, tomorrow Jon and I are off to spend the day Disneyland before making our way home. I haven't been since I was eighteen (that's pre-college, and pre-Baudrillard), and I have no idea what to expect. It will probably be crowded, and expensive, and full of screaming children, but I'm still unreasonably excited. Because, you know, it's Disney...