Me-Made May, and a Month of Ethical Fashion
I work in corporate communications, and last week our department hosted a video content workshop. The goal was to learn how to develop viral content, with the idea that emotionally resonant material can spread like wildfire. One of the speakers, Karen Cheng of Give it 100, pointed out that there are specific emotions that move people to share -- amusement, excitement, and anger were among them.
We were asked to share out a video that moved us recently, and I chose a New York Times mini-documentary on the
Rana Plaza collapse. The predominant emotion I felt? Anger. And a flame for fashion justice rekindled.
My Month of Ethical Fashion
When I started this blog almost three years ago, my intent was to craft a wardrobe that was fair to the environment, fair to people, and true to my personal style. I explored fair trade, handmade, and made-in-the-USA options, and started learning how to sew. I tried to make more conscientious purchasing decisions and to buy less overall. And while I've discovered some great ethical brands and purchased some gorgeous pieces along the way, I still find myself shopping J. Crew. It's an odd sort of addiction.
So even though I missed this year's Fashion Revolution Day and can only commit to a very mild version of Me-Made May, I want to challenge myself to take a step back and remember why I started this blog in the first place. Inspired by the sentiments of Fashion Revolution Day and Me-Made May, here's my hybrid ethical fashion pledge:
I, Jacqui of Birds of a Thread, pledge to:
1. Wear one fair trade, handmade, made in the USA, or vintage garment per day;
2. Wear something I've made, modified, or mended at least once a week;
3. Write two educational posts that explore the garment industry and the stories behind the clothes we wear;
4. Not to buy a single new piece of clothing this month.
Stay tuned...